Thanks for shopping at Mega Pack. We accept multiple payment methods, listed below.
Cash on Delivery
Cash on delivery is one of the most common methods for paying for your products. We work with major courier companies such as Rider, PostEx , Leopards etc. to bring the product to your doorstep. Simply pay in cash With Premade items. Customized Items Required Full or 75% Advance Payment !
Note, however, that this means someone must be available with a payment ready at time of delivery, which we cannot predict. Also, if the COD is rejected due to some reason, you will be welcome to order again, but only using any method of pre-payment.

Bank Transfer
We will provide you with a bank account number, to transfer payment to. Please transfer the exact amount, include the order ID number in the comments, and provide a snapshot of the payment to or WhatsApp us
The bank account number shall be provided at, or immediately after, checkout.
 JazzCash / NayaPay
Since they all allow transfers to bank accounts free of charge (including Naya Pay/ JazzCash), you may use the Bank Transfer option instead, if you intend to pay through your mobile wallets. 03020477584 Use this Number For Pre Payments order.